All trucks:
Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, Square, Square to unlock all 18 trucks. Does not work for career mode.
Slower game speed:
Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, Square, Circle.
Faster game speed:
Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, Square, Square.
Normal game speed:
Pause the game and press L1, L2, R1, R2, Circle, Circle.
Hidden Money:
On the FARM ROAD track, go under the train trestle in the middle of the pond to find a treasure chest.
On the RESTRICTED AREA track, go straight when you pass through gate 5. After a little driving you will reach an aircraft hanger with a jet inside. In the corner is a chest of cash.
On the LAGUNA DEL RAY track , off to the right of the track is a small island with two or three sailboats around it . On the island is a chest of cash.
Between gate 6 and 7 on the BLACK GOLD track is a fenced in area that contains a box of cash. The entrance is near an oil truck just off the track.
On the TREASURE BAY track, go over to the beached oil tanker. On the left side of the ship is a hole with a chest of cash in it.
On the Truck Stop 101 track, go to the "hidden" highway and drive alongside the right side of the road. You will eventually find a chest of cash.
On the Garbage wasteland track, continue along course until you reach the point where you can cut across,(near the end) follow that road out, and right at the point of where you going to turn, go straight and there should be a wall, follow that wall for a little bit, and there should be an opening, no go on the otherside of the wall, go over the first hill and search for a small crater with the chest.
Hidden Treasure Box:
In Silverton Pass look on the map and you will find where the track makes a circle, somewhere in that area there is a small pond with a treasure chest
Get $1,000,000:
If you have a dreamcast keyboard, plug the keyboard in port D. During gameplay type in "goldfinger". You should hear a sound. Now type in givememoneyordie. Now exit the race and you have 1,000,000.
More Money
Enter this code in career mode to get $25,000
L2, square, R1, square, R1, L1, circle, L2, square, R2, square,R1.
At checkpoint 5 in the motocross track, go straight and you will see 2 tents and a porta-potty set up in the grass.The money is in the porta-potty.
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