Unlockable: 3D Models, Interviews, Wallpapers, More
Achieve 90% of better objective completion in one of the game's 58 missions to unlock a new bonus item. Each mission unlocks a new item, ranging from 3D character models to interviews and TV commercials for the game.
Because given the chance, Jack Bauer would resort to a Gameshark. Hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 on the main menu for a quarter minute. A cheat menu will appear and you can hold CROSS on each letter to spell out the access code.
66BAUER - Invulnerable
62ALMEIDA - Infinite Ammo
72DESSLER - All Missions
54PALMER - All Bonuses
BAUER066 - Invulnerable
ALMEIDA062 - Infinite Ammo
DESSLER072 - All Missions
PALMER054 - All Bonuses
Hint: Usage of Health replenishment Items
For every use of a Health Pack, Adrenaline Pack, and visits to a Health Station, a preset penalty will have points removed from the mission's percentage score.
Hint - Grab Your Shin:
In 24: The Game, hour 5 - Ho Shin's Shop, you have to catch Mr. Shin.
An easier way to catch Shin is to run after him but when you hit the first obstacle run to the left not the right. Shin will go right and push the dumpsters into your path but by the time that happens, you'll already be ahead of him.
Run like crazy without stopping until you get to the alley that has the fence on the left. Shin is actually running right behind you although you can't see him. At any given moment, quickly turn around to face Shin. As soon as he is beside you hit 'X' (the CROSS button) and you'll catch him.
The nice thing about this method, is with Shin behind you. There are no obstacles pushed in your way while you are running.
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